About marking system, it's different from universty to another and from section to another but when we talking about schools it's the same way of marking, in schools the highst grade is 50 for each subject, and there are some subjects the highest grade in it is 25. I mean that the highest grade calculated according to the subject. and about universty. all of subject is the same marking but it different from unversty to another, for example my college the grade was calculated from 100 and this is the highest grade, so we were using the precentage to know it and also to know the grade (excellent, very good, good, ETC) I wish you understand. and in Ain shams Uni they use it from 50 as a the highest grade, and according to the hundered precentage the student will know his grade written I mean excellent, very good, good, ETC
I wish that I've answered all your questions Noorah :) and if you still don't understand tell me to explain it to you in more details :)
see you around :)