Архивы форума Египетского Клуба
alllen (султан)
2003/01/09 23:47
Saidi -великие и ужасные - edited by SilverSky
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By SilverSky :)
Saidi people is the people that lives in the south of egypt at Luxor, Aswan, Halayeb
they loves or adores the emma and galabya :)
emma is that thing that they put over their heads :))
and all over egypt we know that they are *stone minded* and don't accept any advice from anybody ;P
they keeps holding their decisions even if it was wrong
and also because their habits and customs
they are thinking as a strange way
and they beleive in revenge in a very strange way they don't beleive in law if something happened they take their revenge by themselves and don't want law to do anything
they hate to have doughters they wants all their children as sons
they feel shame if they got doughters as something really bad happend although that they know that having doughter or sons depends on men
another custom :) their girls can't get married from a man out of the family which means that girls must get married from the same mens family and men can marry who ever they wants
they know that it is not healthy but its a tradition they can't stop it or they don't want to stop it