Архивы форума Египетского Клуба
macocoz (начинающий)
2002/10/10 04:55
Alexandria Library
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hi everybody..i just came from Alx. i sepnd there about a week..it was really great.....i had alot of fun..and ive seen alot of places...evrywhere is clean and organized....and guess what...on the 17th of october 2002 will be the opening of Alexandria library...52 king and presedint from all over the world will be there..in a very big festival......in ancient times all poeple used to come to Alexandria library looking for knowledge in everything...but after that it was brnned ..so now they will re open it to be knoledge seekers again... ;o)
if u need more information about Alexandria city..or Alexandria library..send me and ill do my best to tell u all about it...